May 2015

04 MAY 2015 12:00 Presentation
“Islam and Literature”
Tarif Khalidi (Shaykh Zayid Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies, AUB)
Building 37, AUB
a presentation in the research forum, Majãlis in Islamic Studies:

04 MAY 2015 12:00 Lecture
“Egypt’s Moment of Truth: Challenges and opportunities confronting socio-political actors’”
Dr. Mona Makram-Ebeid (Former Egyptian MP and Senator)
IFI Auditorium, AUB
Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs

04 MAY 2015 16:00 Seminar
“The Impact of Redundant Checks on the LP Decoding Thresholds of LDPC Codes”
Dr. Louay Bazzi (Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the American University of Beirut)
Beirut/Byblos campus, LAU
Organizer: Department of Computer Science and Mathematics

04 MAY 2015 18:30 Conférence
“Le nouveau droit des sociétés de l’OHADA, un exemple pour le Liban?”
Professeur Philippe Merle
Campus des sciences sociales, USJ
Un événement présenté par : Centre d’études des droits du monde arabe

04 MAY 2015 18:30 Conférence
“Culture chinoise, culture occidentale: similitudes et différences”
Pr. Wu Hongmiao (Doyen du département de l’Université de Wuhan Normal University)
Campus des sciences humaines, USJ
Un événement présenté par : Institut Confucius

05 MAY 2015 10:00 Lecture
“Lebanese Archives in the French Archives”
Dr. Antoine Hukayem
“The Lebanese Archives”
Mr. Elie Elias (USEK Phoenix)
IFI Auditorium, AUB
AUB University Libraries
Lebanese Library Association

05 MAY 2015 12:00 Lecture
“Why Yemen’s UN-Mediated Political Transition Failed: A Look into the Current War and Post-Uprising Yemen”
Farea Al-Muslimi (Yemeni writer and political activist)
Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies
Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs

05 MAY 2015 18:30 Conférence
“La place du ‘moi’ dans la culture chinoise”
Pr. Wu Hongmiao (Doyen du département de l’Université de Wuhan Normal University)
Campus des sciences humaines, USJ
Un événement présenté par : Institut Confucius

05 MAY 2015 18:30 Lecture
“Living and Remembering History: Writing on the Great War 1914-1918″
Leila Fawaz (Tufts University)
West Hall, AUB
Department of History and Archaeology
Kamal Salibi Memorial Lecture

06 MAY 2015 16:30 Lecture
“Government of Paper: The Materiality of Bureaucracy in Urban Pakistan”
Matthew Hull (University of Michigan)
College Hall, AUB
Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies

06 MAY 2015 18:30 Conférence
“Assessment and intervention decisions for bilingual children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) ”
Maria Kambanaros (Professeur assiocié, Orthophoniste)
Campus de l’innovation et du sport, USJ
Un événement présenté par : Institut supérieur d’orthophonie

07 MAY 2015 17:30 Lecture
“Occupation on Camera: Israeli Military Rule in the Smartphone Era”
Rebecca L. Stein (Duke University)
College Hall, AUB
Center for Arab and Middle Eastern Studies

08 MAY 2015 12:00 Discussion
“Poetry and Performance”
Participating poets:
Hind Shoufani (Palestine)
Mohammed Fouad (Syria, faculty at AUB)
Andrea Brady (USA)
Keston Sutherland (UK)
Moderator: Sirène Harb (English Department, AUB)
Building 37, AUB
Arts and Humanities Initiative
International Writers’ House in Beirut

08 MAY 2015 15:00 Symposium
“New Research Trends in Nanotechnology”
The speakers are:
Dr. Lara Halaoui (Department of Chemistry, American University of Beirut)
Dr. Ahmad Kabbani (Department of Natural Sciences, Lebanese American University)
Dr. Walid Saad (Department of Chemical Engineering, American University of Beirut)
Dr. Charbel Madi (Department of Physics, American University of Beirut)
Beirut campus, LAU
Organizer: Department of Natural Sciences

11-25 MAY 2015 Exposition
“Le Droit dans les ouvrages de l’époque ottomane”
Exposition de livres et documents de la « collection Wissam Lahham » et de la « Bibliothèque des sciences sociales »
Bibliothèque des sciences sociales, Campus des sciences sociales, USJ

12 MAY 2015 14:00 Seminar
“Structural Bioinformatics: Sequence/Structure/Function Relationship Studies of Proteins”
Dr. Joseph Rebehmed (expert in Computational Chemistry from the IMPMC Laboratory, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
Beirut/Byblos campus, LAU
Organizer: Department of Computer Science and Mathematics

12 MAY 2015 18:00 Conférence
“2015 : L’année de tous les chiffres ronds : Mémoires, commémorations et actualité libanaises”
Lokman Slim
Institut Français du Liban
Conférence. Les rendez-vous de l’Ifpo

13-15 MAY 2015 Exhibition
“Fine Arts Exhibition 2015″
Beirut campus, LAU
Organizer: Department of Fine Arts and Foundation Studies

13 MAY 2015 12:00 Lecture
“Via the ‘City of Love’: Prophecy and the Ontology of the Cinematic Image”
Dr Samhita Sunya (Assistant Professor of Visual Culture, Dept. of English, AUB)
Building 37, AUB
Arts and Humanities Initiative

13 MAY 2015 17:30 Discussion
“Palestinian Citizenship: The Next Bold Step”
Presenter: Fateh Azzam (director of the Asfari Institute)
College Hall, AUB
Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship

13 MAY 2015 18:30 Séminaire
“Japan Destination Expert Seminar”
Un événement présenté par : Centre académique japonais
Campus des sciences sociales, USJ

14 MAY 2015 15:30 Lecture
“The Absent Real: Distance and the Translated Image”
Daniele Genadry (artist based in Brooklyn, NY)
Nicely Hall, AUB
Department of Fine Arts and Art History

18 MAY 2015 12:00 Lecture
“Social Policy and the “Arab Spring””
Dr. Hassan Hammoud (Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Lebanese American University)
IFI Auditorium, AUB
Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs

18 MAY 2015 15:00 Lecture
“Wavy, wavy is the Sea, O Mother”
Haig Aivazian (Beirut-based Artist & Lecturer, Department of Fine Arts and Art History, AUB)
Nicely Hall, AUB
Department of Fine Arts and Art History

20-21 MAY 2015 Colloque international
“Aux sources de la tradition narrative arabe : Les frontières du littéraire et le rôle des genres religieux, biographiques et historiographiques (VIIe-Xe siècles apr. J-C)”
Campus des Sciences Humaines, USJ

20 MAY
“La biographie de Salmān al-Fārisī et sa place dans la Sīra. Entre authenticité et falsification”
Brahim Jadla (Univ. de la Manouba, Tunis)
“Le Mīlād Musulman ou l’écriture par collation”
Slimane Lamnaoui (Univ. Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah, Fès, Maroc)
“Récit de guerre. Une étude comparative des récits de Badr et Uḥud par Ibn Hišām et al-Wāqidī”
Youssef Taharraoui (Inalco, Paris, France)
“Statut de la voix narratrice dans le Ḥadīṯ”
Mohamad Zarrouk (Univ. Sultan Qaboos – Mascate, Oman)
“Le Kitāb al-Zuhd wa-l-Raqā’iq, de c Abd Allāh b. al-Mubārak (m. 181/797)”
Ahyaf Sinno (Univ. Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth, Liban)
“Les traditions prophétiques apocryphes (Mawḍūcāt). Questions littéraires, questions de société »”
Mohamad Hamza (Univ. de Sousse, Tunisie)

21 MAY
“Idrīs b. c Abd Allāh dans l’historiographie orientale (IXe – Xe siècles)”
Chafik Benchekroun (Univ. de Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France)
“Ibrāhīm : du Coran à l’exégèse coranique et à l’historiographie arabe”
Catherine Pennacchio (Inalco, Paris, France)
“Les mythes eschatologiques arabes. De la marginalisation à la question de la légitimité littéraire ”
Jaafar Ben El Haj Soulami (Univ. Abd al-Malik al-Sa’dî, Tétouan, Maroc)
“Le récit parabolique et sa fonction argumentaire. l’Épître de l’Imam al-Hādī aux habitants d’Ahvez (al-Risāla al-Ahwāziyya) comme exemple”
Hosein Marashi (Univ. de Chiraz, Iran)
“Tafsīr, Šarḥ et autres réécritures des débuts de l’Islam. Vers un statut littéraire commun de l’exégèse narrative arabe”
Iyas Hassan (Ifpo, Beyrouth, Liban)
“Structures narratives dans le Livres des Proverbes (Kitāb al-Amṯāl)d’al-Mufaḍḍal al-Ḍabbī (m. vers 780)”
Ali Asghar Ghahramani Mogbel (Univ. de Bouchehr, Iran)

20-23 MAY 2015 Colloque
“Espaces publics au Liban : Vie, mort et résurrection”
Institut Français du Liban
Municipalité de Beyrouth

20 MAY
Institut français du Liban
Interventions :
M. Bilal Hamad (Président de la Municipalité de Beyrouth)
Son Excellence M. Patrice Paoli (Ambassadeur de France au Liban)
Invités :
Bernard Khoury (architecte, Liban)
Youssef Tohmé (architecte, Liban/France)
Modération : Mazen Haidar (architecte, directeur adjoint de l’École d’architecture, Académie libanaise des Beaux-Arts, Université de Balamand)

21 MAY Table ronde
LES ESPACES PUBLICS DANS LEUR CONTEXTE : SOCIÉTÉ, ÉCONOMIE ET POLITIQUE (Public spaces in context: society, economy and politics)
Salle de conférences de l’Institut français du Liban
Nadine Bekdache (urbaniste)
Abir Saksouk-Sasso (architecte, chercheur)
Seteney Shami (directrice de l’Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS))
Ismael Sheikh Hassan (architecte, urbaniste)
Modération : Eberhard Kienle (directeur de l’Institut Français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo))

Ashkal Alwan, Beirut
Raed Abillama (architecte)
Nadim Abou Rizk (vice-président de la Municipalité de Beyrouth)
Wafa Charafeddine (directrice de la Division du Financement au CDR)
Habib Debs (architecte, urbaniste)
Frédéric Francis (paysagiste)
Modération : Karine Dana (journaliste et auteur indépendante, revue D’architectures)

22 MAY

Beirut Art Center / BAC

Table ronde

Tony Chakar (architecte, écrivain)
Habib Debs (architecte, urbaniste)
Nadia von Maltzahn (chercheur à l’Orient-Institut de Beyrouth)
Amira Solh (directrice du département de la planification urbaine de Solidere)
Modération : Caecilia Pieri (responsable de l’Observatoire urbain / Ifpo)

Valérie Clerc (urbaniste, architecte, Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD))
Marlène Ghorayeb (architecte, historienne, Ecole spéciale d’architecture, Paris)
Philippe Tabet (directeur général, Har-Properties)
Sarah Yassine (urbaniste)
Modération : Vincent Geisser (sociologue et politologue, chercheur CNRS à l’Ifpo)

Concert de musique orientale avec Ali Hout et Ghassan Sahhab
Réception offerte par la Municipalité de Beyrouth

23 MAY
Performance par Rani Al-Rajji (conteur urbain et architecte), commissariat d’Amanda Abi Khali (fondatrice de Temporary Art Platform (T.A.P))

20 MAY 2015 17:30 Lecture
“Museums: Roots for our Future”
HE Dr. Tarek Mitri (Director, Issam Faris Institute – AUB)
Post Hall, Archaeological Museum, AUB
Society of the Friends of the Museum

20 MAY 2015 18:00 Lecture
“Scripture, Poetry, and the Making of a Community Reading the Qur’an as a Literary Text”
Angelika Neuwirth (Professor of Qur’anic Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin)
College Hall, AUB

21 MAY 2015 Panel discussion
“Democracy and the Military Challenge”
Farea Al-Muslimi (visiting scholar, Carnegie)
Rania Barrak (professor, the Military Academy of Tunisia)
Nabil Bou Mounsef (head of the political section at An-Nahar)
Jean Oghassabian (member of the Lebanese Parliament)
Yezid Sayigh (Carnegie)
Carnegie Middle East Center
in partnership with the Samir Kassir Foundation

22 MAY-08 JUN 2015 Exhibition
“Design Exhibition: Spring 2015″
Beirut campus, LAU
Organizer: Department of Design

22 MAY 2015 08:30 Workshop
“Emerging Energy Scenarios in the Middle East: Challenges and Implications”
College Hall, AUB
Munib and Angela Masri Institute of Energy and Natural Resources (Masri Institute)

Panel 1: Nuclear Power in the Middle East: Country and Policy Perspective
Moderator: Dr. Mohamad Roumie (Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission)

“Nuclear Energy in the Region and Policy Implications”
Prof. Kamal J. Araj (Vice Chairman; Commissioner for Nuclear Power Reactor)
“Saudi Arabia plans in investing in nuclear and solar power and associated technological and policy challenges”
Dr. Maher Alodan (Director of Research and Development and Innovation, King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy)
“Prospects for nuclear energy development in the Middle East”
Dr. Dmitry Konukhov (Research Associate at the Center for Energy and Security Studies (CENESS), Russia)

Panel 2: Nuclear Power in the Middle East: Challenges and Implications
Moderator: Prof. Giacomo Luciani (Graduate Institute, Geneva)
“Economics of Nuclear Energy for the Middle East”
Dr. Ali Ahmad (Lecturer and research fellow in Nuclear Energy Policy at Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security)
“The Challenges of Nuclear Safety”
Dr. M.V Ramana (physicist and lecturer at Princeton University)
“Nuclear Power in Arab Countries: Management of End life cycle – Policy, Regulations and Applications”
Dr. Nasser Hoteit (Board member of the Lebanese Petroleum Authority)

Panel 3: Hydrocarbons and the Transition to Alternative Energy Resources
Moderator: Dr. Nesreene Ghaddar (AUB Faculty)
“The implications of the shale revolution on oil prices and the functioning of oil markets”
Prof. Giacomo Luciani (Co-Director, Executive Master in International Oil and Gas Leadership; Graduate Institute, Geneva)
“Integrating Renewable Energies into Mainstream Chemical Processes””
Dr. Mohamad Ahmad (Coordinator of the Chemical Engineering Program, AUB)

22 MAY 2015 17:00 Table ronde
“Les Arméniens du Liban, 100 ans après : entre identité et intégration”
Un événement présenté par : Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines
Campus des sciences humaines, USJ

22 MAY 2015 18:00 Séminaire
«Bekaa 3: Périodes anciennes»
“Tell Hizzin in the Beqaa: New Results from an Old Excavation”
Hermann Genz et Hélène Sader (Professeurs à l’Université Américaine de Beyrouth)
“Urbanism and non-verbal communication : The History of Kamid el-Loz”
Marlies Heinz (Professeur à l’Université de Freiburg)
Salle de conférence de l’Institut Français du Liban

22 MAY 2015 18:30 Lecture
“Communicating From the Heart”
Tanya Awad Ghorra (journalist)
Beirut campus, LAU
Organizer: Alumni Relations Office

26 MAY 2015 conference
“Yemen in the Midst of a Regional Proxy War”
Farea Al-Muslimi
Abdullah Al Shammari
Khaled Fattah
Lina Khatib
Saadaddin Ben Taleb
Abdullah Hamidaddin
Abd Al-Karim Al-Iryani
Sama Al-Hamdani
Adam Baron
Timothy Fairbank
Peter Salisbury
Yezid Sayigh
Carnegie Middle East Center

26 MAY 2015 12:00 Lecture
“Urban Activism and Social Justice: Reflections on Popular Committees in Greater Cairo”
Asya El-Meehy (Visiting Research Scholar, University of California, Berkeley; Non-resident Public Policy Scholar, IFI)
Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs

26 MAY 2015 18:00 Conférence
“Les églises de l’époque paléochrétienne : l’exemple du Massif calcaire en Syrie”
Dr Widad Khoury (Archéologue)
Salle de conférence de l’Institut Français du Liban
Conférence. Les rendez-vous de l’Ifpo

27 MAY 2015 14:00 Exhibition
“Byblos Foundation Studies Students 2015″
Byblos campus, LAU
Organizer: Department of Fine Arts and Foundation Studies

27-30 MAY 2015 Event
“Marché solidaire du printemps 2015″
Exposition-vente d’artisanat en soutien aux associations et corps de métiers traditionnels (Liban – Palestine – Syrie)
Esplanade devant l’entrée du Théâtre Montaigne et de la galerie Institut français du Liban

28 MAY 2015 09:00 Workshop
“Lebanon facing the Arab uprisings : between internal challenges and external constraints”
Venue: OIB

«Internal constraints»
Discussant: Nicolas Dot-Pouillard (IFPO/WAFAW)
“Lebanese army facing the Arab revolts: a come back of the army institutions?”
Vincent Geisser (CNRS-IFPO/WAFAW)
“Limits and potential of the ‘campaign for the downfall of the sectarian regime’ in Lebanon”
Marie-Noëlle Abi-Yaghi (Lebanon Support / IFPO) & Myriam Catusse
“Exploring Lebanese Welfare in the post-‘Arab Spring’ Transitory Phase”
Estella Carpi (University of Sidney)
“The Sunni community in Lebanon: from ‘Harirism’ to ‘Sheikhism’ and back”
Rosita Di Peri & Daniel Meier

«External Threats»
Discussant: Élisabeth Longuenesse (CNRS-Printemps)
“Syrian refugees in Lebanon: brothers, burden and bone of contention”
Are Knudsen (CMI)
“Managing porous borders between Lebanon and Syria: narratives from Wadi Khaled”
Lorenzo Trombetta (ANSA/Beirut Middle-Eastern Bureau)
“Hezbollah after the Arab Uprisings: Conceptualizing a Role as Non-State Actor in Regional Politics”
Francesco Mazzuccotelli (University of Pavia)
“The art of bypassing: students’ politicization in Beirut”
Bruno Lefort (University of Tampere)

28 MAY 2015 12:00 Seminar
“Interspecies Variation in Transcription Factors Occupancy: Insights into Comparative Genomic Approaches”
Dr. Pierre Khoueiry (European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) – Heidelberg, Germany)
Beirut/Byblos campus, LAU
Organizer: Department of Computer Science and Mathematics

28 MAY 2015 15:00 Lecture
“The Understanding of the Site”
Hala Younes (LAU)
Beirut campus, LAU
Organizer: School of Architecture and Design

28 MAY 2015 18:00 Conférence
“La société libanaise à l’épreuve du drame syrien”
Modératrice : Émilie Sueur (L’Orient-Le Jour)
Avec la participation d’Élisabeth Longuenesse, Kanj Hamadé (Lebanese University), Isabelle Grappe (British Council), Nicolas Dot-Pouillard (Ifpo/WAFAW)

28 MAY 2015 18:00 Table ronde
“الدين على المواقع الإلكترونيّة”
Un événement présenté par : Faculté des sciences religieuses
Campus des sciences humaines, USJ

29 MAY 2015 12:00 Exhibition
“Beirut Foundation Studies Students 2015″
Beirut campus, LAU
Organizer: Department of Fine Arts and Foundation Studies

29 MAY 2015 18:00 Event
“Discover USA at LAU”
Beirut campus, LAU
Organizer: Department of Hospitality Management and Marketing
in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy in Beirut



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